FTC 14172 Disco Duckbots

We Don’t Quack Under Pressure!


Our team is composed of a diverse group of middle schoolers with nearly equal members of girls and boys, as well as members of cultures around the world. Our members have ties to the United States, Ethiopia, China, India, Russia, Colombia, Brazil, and Nepal. Our team values are teamwork, equality, and of course, always having fun.



(Bryan Butcher, 2022)

Team Roster

  • Abigail
  • Adonawit
  • Ahana
  • Arthur
  • Gabi
  • Lauren
  • Lydia
  • Nikolay 
  • Shreyas 
  • Zak




In the 2020-2021 season the Disco Duckbots was ranked as a top 5 team in Iowa, placing in 5th place. We were the Connect Award Runner Runner Up in the State Finals. We were the 4th ranked team at the Norwalk Super Qualifier and won the Think Award in the Nevada League Tournament.


This past year, we conducted outreach awareness with Eddie Andrews, who is an Iowa House of Representative in Congress. We informed Andrews about the FIRST community and we were able to gain knowledge as to how we could bring STEM into our community more effectively. 

We have also created FTC and FLL flyers to be sent out to students at the Johnston District and surrounding communities. We invited students who are interested in designing, programming and building robots to come to one of their events to learn more. 

Sivakumar Balasubramanian, VP of Engineering at Spirit Aerosystems, taught us about how the skills developed in our community can be implemented into the real world. 

We also have several mentors, one being with an Iowa State University student, Ashley Robertson, who taught us how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 and CAD, which have now become extremely beneficial to our design process.


Our Team’s Sponsors

Check Out Our Social Media!

Instagram: @discoduckbotsftc14172

Youtube: Disco Duckbot Channel